Invest in Professional Real Estate Photography

“I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn’t photograph them.”

“One of the first questions when making an investment is always, “What is the ROI (Return On the Investment)?” or in more plain speech, “What do I get out of it?”. The simple answer is more and faster sales. Here are some quotes & links to articles that show the value of professional photography in Real Estate.”

inman, 6 Reasons Why a Professional Home Photographer is Worth the Price

“Because online searching and browsing is such a critical part of the home-buying process, it follows that a better-photographed home will sell faster because more people are enticed to visit the home and people know what they are getting before they even set foot in the home.” “Across all price ranges, homes with professional photos sold faster.”

Redfin Real Estate News, Look Sharp: Professional Listing Photos Sell For More Money

“Vivid images linger in the mind for several days and influence the decisions made by real estate buyers. Wherever the buyers go, the photos remain etched in their minds and continue to excite their feelings and aspirations. In meticulously taken real estate photos, the best of the property comes to light. Therefore, good photos help real estate investors capture the attention of their target buyers and sell their homes quickly. On the contrary, property owners who cannot display the best images of their homes will have no inquiries (and no clients coming to view their property).”

REtipster, Why You Cannot Ignore Professional Photography in Real Estate Investing

“Lots of real estate agents fall into the same trap. A good house will not sell itself without your assistance. Even in the best of markets, advertising your listings is essential. Your clients expect it and they’re paying you to do it right…”

“Your main objective is to make them dream. Jaw-dropping photos do that.”

Market Leader ( Back Away From the iPhone and Hire a Photographer

Important Statistics

You have 2 seconds to grab a buyer’s attention without a photograph and 20 seconds with one.

Real Estate agents get up to a 47% higher asking price with professional photos.

Real Estate agents get an average of 61% more views online with professional photos.

Sharper images can increase sales, at or above listing price, by 31%.

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